
Thanksgiving is a good time to consider emptiness and fullness! :) TTC Chapter 3 recommends we weaken our ambition and strengthen our essence. It reminds me of the Taoist appreciation for the "empty vessel." The vessel that's empty is like strengthened essence: it represents potential, the capability to act, the time before options are selected, before being occupied with a commitment.

In trading activity, it's related to preservation of capital, the maintenance of a balanced, objective point of view ... and the readiness to TMAR. The readiness to take the money and run, or if not a profitable trade, to stop out of it and await the next opportunity.

An interesting twist that may help actually implementing these points more effectively, is to remain aware that the empty vessel represents a yang function. An example is that the body's "empty" organs (like lungs) are yang, while the solid ones (like kidneys) are yin. The empty ones are the ones capable of being filled and doing something productive accordingly. The yin ones are also important of course, but operate more passively, such as by filtering.

Kung Fu, chi gung, and t'ai chi teachers also counsel to find the motion in stillness, as well as the stillness in motion. These perceptions may help us better value the ways and times we should not be trading. When we should be recharging our batteries, checking for an objective, balanced re-assessment of the markets and what's affecting the markets. And emptying ourselves of opinions and biases about where the markets should go. As with the "push hands" exercise (played in t'ai chi), moving with and responding to the market's movements from our empty, central core.

Another nice analogy is a musical instrument like a flute - by being empty, one can vibrate with the market's movements (not possible if the flute is filled with opinions and prior commitments) - making great music.

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